Greetings and welcome to the OTK Custom DBInstaller blog site!
Custom DBInstaller is one of the software components developed by OTK Web Solutions. It is being used by OTK to provide installation of the required SQL Server database for its upcoming RAD product called OTKRap. This component is now being released to the public free of charge in order to help those Microsoft .NET developers to incorporate a database installation feature into their Setup or Web Setup Project, which originally does not provide by Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. Fortunately, the Setup or Web Setup Project allows developers to add custom actions, which can be any customized EXE, DLL, or Installer Class. Therefore, Custom DBInstaller has been built as a standalone executable primarily for this purpose.
Screenshot II - Adding Custom DBInstaller to Custom Actions Editor
In order to meet some major requirements, it has been modified to take advantage of the app.config file so that it is able to customize by the developers to suit their preferences, such as changing the form title, whether to allow users to overwrite the existing database and so on.
Screenshot III - Custom DBInstaller's configuration section.
Hope you will find this component useful and feel free to feedback to us on anything about this component.
Thank you.
Antonio Ooi
Founder & Software Architect
OTK Web Solutions
"Zero Compromise, Our Inspiration"